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Floral Content/Colour

We are looking for something attractive and that attracts attention.


Seasonal Interest

We look for plants in the garden that span more than one season. This is so there is interest all year round but not necessarily an abundance of colour at judging time.



It is relatively easy to tell if someone is looking after a garden regularly or not. If the plants are not being taken over by weeds, and the lawn is edged, the garden looks cared for – even if wild areas are left for insects and birds.



We look to see if some thought has been put into the garden, whether plants are positioned with shorter ones at the front and taller at the back! It shows a knowledge of plants.



All judging is carried out by members of the Reading in Bloom team and is based on criteria including general appearance, attractiveness, imaginative use of displays and (for relevant categories) floral content such as bedding, boxes and tubs. Judging will normally take place in August, subject to weather conditions. Judges decisions are final.

  1. Front garden — Under 12ft (door to highway)
  2. Front garden — Over 12ft (door to highway)
  3. Balcony, hanging baskets, & window boxes
  4. Shared Garden

A shared garden is a garden cared for by more than one person in a residential setting.

   5. Front Container Garden

All planting must be in containers.

   6. Community Garden

A community garden is a garden looked after by members of a community in a non-residential setting.

 7. Most eco-friendly
 8. Most attractive
 9. Best maintained


 10. Landscape
 11. Staff Well-being Garden
 12. Pubs, Restaurants and Cafes — Exterior
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